Therapy for Disordered Eating at Beautiful Journey Counseling®

Treatment for eating disorders and disordered eating covers a wide range of eating issues, from occasional fasting to more serious eating disorders.

At Beautiful Journey Counseling® , we’re committed to helping individuals work through these challenges. 

Our therapy services offer a supportive and caring space where clients can learn how to thrive. With personalized approaches, our therapists help clients uncover the roots of their disordered eating, build healthier relationships with food, and nurture self-compassion. We also involve family members in the process to ensure a strong support network. At Beautiful Journey Counseling®, our goal is to provide the tools needed for healing and well-being, fostering resilience, self-acceptance, and healthier relationships.

What are some common symptoms of disordered eating?

Disordered Eating in Adults

Disordered eating can deeply affect adults, manifesting through behaviors. Understanding these behaviors and seeking appropriate help is essential for managing and overcoming disordered eating:

  • Frequent dieting or restrictive eating
  • Anxiety about food and weight
  • Feeling a loss of control around food
  • Preoccupation with body image
  • Binge eating or overeating
  • Using food as a coping mechanism for stress or emotions

Disordered Eating in Children and Teens

For children and teens, disordered eating can be particularly complex due to their developmental stages and evolving self-esteem. Recognizing the signs and offering appropriate support can help them develop healthier relationships with food and their bodies during these formative years.

  • Preoccupation with food
  • Dissatisfaction with weight and body image
  • Strict routines for exercise and food intake
  • Influence from social media
  • Challenges in peer and social relationships
  • Family conflict related to eating habits
  • Difficulty functioning at school or home due to food-related issues.
  • Extremely picky eating that goes beyond normal preferences, often with a very limited range of accepted foods.

Looking for treatment for eating disorders?

How We Help

At Beautiful Journey Counseling®, we support individuals dealing with disordered eating through various therapeutic techniques, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). These methods serves as a plan of treatment for eating disorders and cater to different needs, from cognitive restructuring for adults and teens to mindfulness practices for children. 

Our goal is to help clients develop a healthier relationship with food, identify and address the underlying causes of disordered eating, and incorporate positive coping strategies into their daily lives. We aim to facilitate healing and well-being by tackling both the symptoms and the root issues of disordered eating.

We are here to help you overcome challenges and move forward to a healthier and more fulfilling future.